Topband: 2003 CQ 160 Rules

Bill Tippett
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 07:39:13 -0400

        Complete rules for the 2003 contest are now available at:

Click "Contests & Awards", click "CQ World Wide 160-meter Contest"
then click "Rules 2003 CQ World Wide 160-meter Contest" for the
.pdf file.

        Thanks to the CQ 160 Committee for adding the 30 hour 
operating time limit for single operators.  This will make this
contest much more fun as most indicated in the
survey done March 2001 ( ).

                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  I am sponsoring the World CW Single-Op Plaque as a memorial 
to my good friend Peter DJ8WL who is now a silent key.  Who will 
be the first to win it?