Topband: Beverage Wire

Ted Demopoulos
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 00:33:18 -0400


For beverages, I just buy #12 solid THHN wire from Home Depot in 500 
foot rolls and splice as required. I go for the thick stuff to make it 
break less often. Usually the first big tree/branch, regardless of size, 
just strenches it. After that, I get roughly one break per 1.5 years per 
beverage. My beverages are mainly through thick woods. I like electric 
fence insulators  to support them.
For radials I look for very cheap wire, for beverages I don't bother

Ted KT1V ex KR1G wrote:

>I am looking for a source of beverage wire. This will be for 800 ft 
>beverages, mostly in the woods. Any help finding bulk wire at a good price is 
>appreciated.  Also, any suggestions on the wire type.
>73 Bill K3SV
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