Topband: too young for topband ! (?)

Sat, 19 Oct 2002 12:40:09 +0200

hi reflectees !
As the matter of activity arises in some of the last postings, i want to tell 
about an interesting statement made by a wellknown east coast DXer. He told me 
that he feels to young for topband ( he is in his 60ies ). He was dead serious 
about it.And said that most of the topband guys are really up in age.
Seems like a queer outside view of topbanding. Or is it that topband operators 
are just outliving other hams, caused by never ending challenge on the band, and 
just no time to go silent key, as a "new one" is due "next week" ?
I am rather guessing that a certain amount of saturation on the other bands is 
necessary before one punishes himself with tons of steel and aluminum,miles of 
wire and never enough shuteye !
BTW : J75 gang was loud as hell 2day in EU - nobody else from the Caribes to be 
heard - tells us that Caribean rum and beachlife has more gravity than topband !
73 de wolf  -df2py-