Topband: too young for topband ! (?)

Dennis G. Peterson
Sat, 19 Oct 2002 12:25:59 -0400

I ditto Craig's comments, if it weren't for these older guys back then and
today we wouldn't be where we are today with topband activity.

I can remember when I first got on 160 in 1975, you could sit for hours and
hardly hear a peep from anyone.

Seems everyone was waiting for the othere guy to make a transmission whether
it be ssb or cw.  Back then antennas were at a premium to say the least and
most of the operators didn't want to bother with a topband antenna because
they felt they didn't have the realestate or patience to put one on the air.

Most of us diehards------------accepted the challenge and I for one haven't
regreted it since.

Thanks and my hat is off to some of those so-called "OLD TIMERS" for their
generosity, patience, knowledge and the nights we used to spend on 1860 with
numerous round table discussions on antennas, pre-amps, amplifiers,
receivers and receiving loop antennas.

Now it's OUR TURN to provide that education to others as we now share the
distinction of being ONE OF THOSE OLD TIMERS NOW............

Sure miss those days of the informal nets on 1860 from Seattle, WA.    Maybe
we could get something going again.

