Topband: Follow-Up - RCS-4 & Beverages Project.
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:13:14 EDT

As it turns out I have a a/b remote relay which uses DC signaling on the coax 
line. However, I noticed significant degradation on the A antenna - 4:1 SWR 
up from 1:1 before the relay.. I think this is induced by the RF choke in 
series with relay coils not having enough reactance at 160.. It doenst happen 
on the B side - which is the powered on state - because the DC voltage on the 
choke changes it value...

Also note I have AM bcast coming thru when I use the relay .. dont have it 
without.  My thoughts on this are the contacts are rectiying the strong BC 
stuff creating crud...  Back to sneaker-switching runs ... too bad its 
getting cold here in NNJ.

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