Topband: TS-940 or 850..Maybe FT-1000MP Field
Sun, 27 Oct 2002 09:34:37 -0800

Hi All,

Thanks for the replys!  I received 10 back and it was a even split
between the two.
I have a friend who has these radios and will offer them to me for
The 940 is stripped but the 850 has the ant tuner and voice recorder. No
filters in either.
The problem or what appears to be a problem with the 830 is just trying
to filter out local noise.
I have both Kenwood 500Hz filters and when they're cranked down tight, I
loose the signal in the noise that is still coming thru.
My antenna is very limited! (40' Shunt Fed Tower) but have managed to
work 65 countries in the past couple of years. Was looking for something
with good filtering.  I have used K6SE's FT-1000 before and it seemed
really nice and quiet with the filtering.
I have had this 830 rig since 1985 and would be nice to get something a
little newer.
Im currently driving a MLA-2500 amp with it and it does a nice job. Dont
know if that will be a problem with the other rigs since you can adjust
the 830's output level real easy.

I was also giving some serious thought to the MK-V Field rig.  Seems with
the current specials, they are about 2K (w/o filters)
A new rig would be nice since I usually dont upgrade radios ofter as you
can tell and dont want something too old to start with again.

Any thoughts on the Mk-V Field

Thanks for the inputs!!
73 Chuck 

p.s. sri, didnt realize juno added spam to its messages.

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