Topband: chicken wire ground screen

Bob Tellefsen
Sun, 01 Sep 2002 06:29:41 -0400

Hello Mike
Here's one variation you might consider.
Like you, I have a small lot, 60 wide by 100 ft long.  The back yard is 60
by 24, and
my 160m vertical is in the center of my back fence.  I've arranged an
overhead counterpoise, consisting of 20 wires.  They all start at the base
of the vertical and run to the top of the back fence.  At the top of the
fence they are spaced 3 ft apart.  Each wire then runs to the back edge of
my house roof, then runs on the roof to the front of the house.  From above
it looks like a comb with long thin teeth.
With this system, everything is overhead, out of the way and out of the
xyl's veggie garden.

Subjective evidence of effectiveness:  I have run QRP (5w) in all the top
band cw contests for the past three winters.  I'm now pursuing QRP WAS on
top band, and I'm up to 38 states worked so far.  I hope to add more this
winter.  I admit up front much of my success is due to some really great
receiving installations and some great operators.

Anyway, decent results on top band can be had if you can be a bit creative
with your resources.

Good luck and 73,
Bob N6WG
Newark, CA on San Francisco Bay