Topband: Displacement currents

Tom Rauch
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 08:51:11 -0400

> There are three different [primary] currents in effect beneath and
> around a vertical radiator operating over earth and above an
> artificial  ground plane. These are (1) conduction currents, (2)
> induced currents, and (3) displacement currents.

Displacement currents are fictitious currents that were "created" or 
invented to explain how current flowing into one lead of a capacitor 
manages to flow out of the other lead, without charges actually 
moving through the dielectric.

Somehow we have taken that very necessary but imaginary concept of 
"invisible current" in capacitors and applied it to actual physical 
currents in conductors or poor insulators, like earth.

Make no mistake about it, charges that are "moving" in earth or in 
conductors of any form are very real currents, and we can not sort 
those currents out any differently than any other current or moving 

"Displacement current" can push our concept of losses in an antenna 
system into the twilight zone real fast, as is evidenced by many of 
the wild theories that sound good but never work that are advanced 
over the years.73, Tom W8JI