Topband: Summary of Sources for Radial Wire/Installation tips
Duncan Cameron
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 20:02:35 +0000
Thanks very, very much to all those who replied via the reflector and to me
personally. I have extracted the responses and arranged them in a Word
Document (39.5K in size) and would be happy to email it to anyone who
requests it.
Wow, I got some great information, and outstanding tips. I will be
scrounging for wire at the local hamfest, searching the junkyards and the
local transfer station dump site, and visiting the local Home Depot for the
last bits of wire I need.
Consensus seems to be; use stranded copper/insulated wire. I would try the
aluminum, but the soil is so acidic here that it would be gone in 1 1/2
years. The advice on the guage of wire varies. Because I have such a
wilderness in the back yard, I am going to try the #20 AWG. It will make it
easier to snake around and bury in the roots, rocks and brush. After it is
set into the forest floor, I don't think it will be disturbed.
I am looking forward to some great fun on 160 meters this winter!
Thanks again to all-
Scott C.
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