Topband: Radial discussion

Sat, 7 Sep 2002 10:04:46 -0700

>I would like to echo Scott's appreciation for the radial wire discussion on
>the reflector.
>I am in the process of laying out a very large ground system for an array
>essentially the same as described by John, W1FV, although mechanically
>different.  In my case I am not using any elevated radials but laying them
>all on the ground.  Three elements translates to a lot of wire (25k'+), with
>a lot of connections where the radial fans for the individual elements
>intersect.  It is clear that regular solder for the multitude of connections
>just won't fly so Don and Doug's suggestions are very helpful.
>I had considered using aluminum wire for cost reasons and did some
>experiments.  A couple of years ago I buried samples of wire and also just
>laid some on the ground surface which is grass covered.  After two years the
>surface wire is fine but the buried stuff is beginning to show some signs of
>deterioration, not fatal but not good for the long term.  I also attacked
>the problem of making reliable, long term connections with aluminum wire.
>After trying all kinds of solders that didn't work worth a damn, I found an
>aluminum brazing rod, Al-Cu-Zn alloy, which seems to do a good job of making
>wire-to-wire and wire-to-rod connections.  You have to following the
>instructions carefully and practice a bit to get this stuff to work but it
>does a good job and seems to be highly corrosion resistant, at least in my

 >After my solder experience I was very skeptical but this rod does
>seem to work and can be done with a propane torch. 

**  J. W. Harris Co. makes a 6%-silver/94%-tin   solder that that works 
well on aluminum with Harris' aluminum soldering flux.  This solder is 
corrosion resistant and it can be used with a soldering iron 
[eutectic@430�].   Both are commonly available in welding supply shops.  

> I got the rod from:
>Ideal Industrial Supplies Inc.
>2005 Van Epps Road SE
>Olympia, WA 98501
>(206) 351-3471
>Despite having an apparent solution to the aluminum joint problem, I think I
>will stick with insulated copper and try the MAPP gas-brazing approach. It
>will be a bit time consuming but should give a long term solution.  In any
>case I have to get up on my hill and get with laying radials!  Winter is
>73, Rudy N6LF
>Topband mailing list

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,  