Topband: Coupling between bev and other antennas

Al Williams
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 17:09:26 -0700

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: Topband: Coupling between bev and other antennas

> While the coupling from a nearby TX antenna to a Beverage antenna on RX
> not seriously degrade receiving performance, watch out for coupling
> the Beverage and TX antenna while transmitting. I blew the front end right
> out of a brand new IC-775DSP with only 300 Watts to a nearby dipole (100
> feet away).

If the front end gets "blewn out", is it readily apparent when listening?

>It also caused the IC-775DSP final power transistors to blow!

Seems like something else was going on to blow the output transistors>
