Topband: Delta Loop

Phil - KB9CRY
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 18:49:05 -0500

Here's a batch of new piks of my latest experiment.  

Rotatable Delta Loop for receiving on 160M and 80M.  
Measures 17 ft. tall by 28 ft. long.  All home brew, designed by K6SE, fiberglass poles 
by Max-Gain Systems.  Home brew xfmr, 8 turns coax side, 28 turns (for 75 ohm RG6 coax)
loop side on Amidon FT-140-43 (pre wrapped with TFE tape and Q-Dope applied afterwards
for weather protection), 0.01 mf @3Kv disc cap in line with coax for DC blocking. 9 total
watts of 947 ohm terminating resistor.  14 AWG hard drawn non insulated wire.
Have since changed coax loop choke at xfmr with 12 inches of Amidon F-50A-J toroids
(the coax loop was too heavy and was pulling on the FRP mast).  

No real DX use yet but from here near Chicago, some W1's and W2's in a QSO were 5X8
with 5X9 noise pointed straight at them, down in the mud with loop broadsides, and
completely nulled out off the backside. Using the shunt fed xmit tower the QSO was about
5X7 but higher noise levels.  So far so good.  Tnx to Earl, K6SE designer and for email
help, and to Allen of Max-Gain Systems for the FRP rods.  Phil  KB9CRY

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