Topband: Coupling between bev and other antennas
Maurizio Panicara
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 00:11:32 +0200
I think and noted that when the vertical's near field overlaps with the
beverage, the coupling is noticeable and disruptive.
Of course the amount of detrimental effects are partly subjective, I mean
that if someone is accustomed to reception with poor antennas, or better to
say antenna s with poor directivity, the loss under investigation is not so
Who ever used a 2WL beverage in a clean environment for sure won't like what
happens having a vertical in close proximity.
Mauri I4JMY
> The coupling was on 160. The elevated radials are for the 80m antenna. On
> the Beverages did NOT have the same problem (at least MUCH less). Also,
> coupling was clearly demonstrtaed by modeling the exact situation using
> eznec.
> 73
> john
> > John don't you think that it was the 4 elevated radials that did most of
> the
> > coupling in that case or do you think it would be just as bad using
> > radials? Clive GM3POI