Topband: Vertical Antenna Feedpoint Above Ground - Part Deux

Ted Demopoulos
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 11:20:41 -0400

My 80m verticals feedpoints are about 12-18" above ground. I run a 1" 
flat braided cable to an aluminum plate on the ground which has the 
radials connected. It works FB and I don't worry about it :)

Ted KT1V

Larry Burke WI5A wrote:

> Thanks to those who replied to my earlier question:
> "Is there a distance -- minimum, optimal or maximum --- that a 
> vertical's feed point should be from the earth for a ground-mounted 
> radial system?"
> In my effort to make the question as simple as possible, I left out 
> why I wanted to know. It's basically to get the connection and any 
> matching out of harm's way... above occasional high water and possible 
> bumps by the lawnmower, etc. Kinda the Southern version of the 
> snowdrift problem described by W1FV.  I want the feed point about 
> 18-24" above the earth to avoid these problems... as opposed to "right 
> at earth".
> This is just a simple "classical" vertical... insulated from the base 
> and the shield of the coax will tied to ground and the radials.
> Larry
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