Topband: Vertical Antenna Feedpoint Above Ground
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 13:16:47 -0700

Larry, WI5A wrote:

"I want the feed point about 18-24" above the earth to avoid these
problems... as opposed to 'right at earth'."
There are two ways I can think of to accomplish what you want:

1) Cut the coax shield short and tie it to your radial system and run the
center conductor up the 18-24" to the input of the tuning network.

2) Cut the coax center conductor short and tie it to the input of the
tuning network and leave the shield long enough to reach down to tie to
the radial system.

Because method #1 might allow water to enter the coax during flood
conditions, method #2 would be preferred.

Otherwise, the 18-24 inches of exposed conductor (either shield or center
conductor) is an insignificant part of a wavelength at 160 meters, so it
shouldn't have much impact on tuning the vertical.

73, de Earl, K6SE