Topband: W0AH/B 1802.2 15 mw beacon copied at 700 miles!
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 13:08:56 EDT

I have received one report and one complaint.   Richard, K5NA, near Austin, 
TX reported my 15 mw 1802.2 beacon peaking 379 in QSB, but had no copy later 
at his sunrise.  Thanks Richard. I also had one complaint that unattended 
beacons were not welcome at the low end of 160M.  I answered the complaint as 

"Tnx for your comments, the first complaint.  I'll see if I get some more 
complaints.  I have no 160M xtals above 1990, but I'll see if I can come up 
with one (he suggested I put the beacon there or on the MEDFER band- which is 
my intention next week).  
I'll summarize any complaints and post them on the lowfer and 160M 
I plan to operate the beacon on 1802.2 tonight again at 15 milliwatts.  If I 
get a dozen or so reports, I'll have enough for comparison and change over to 
the 10' antenna at 100 mw which should be at least 12 db down from the 100' 
vertical at 15 mw- if the little antenna is working right.  If I get some 
more complaints, I'll reluctantly abandon the comparison (which is impossible 
on the MEDfer band where antennas are restricted to 10 feet).  In any case, 
the 160M beacon will be off the air in about a week.
Doug  W0AH  near Pikes Peak CO"
I would appreciate any beacon reports tonight and your comments about my 
temporary 15 mw beacon on 1802.2
Doug W0AH  DM78  near Pikes Peak CO