Topband: W0AH 15 mw beacon copied in 5 states last night
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 11:02:16 EDT

  N5UL, NM, reported copy last night at 0306 and earlier, peaking 349 at 
0306; K0RW, CO, reported copy last night and this morning peaking S2;  W7LR, 
MT, reported copy of 539 at 1155; W6BH, CA, reported copy of 449 at 1233, and 
W7UT, UT, reported copy of 569 at 1245.  Others reported trying.  The beacon 
frequency was between 1802.5 and 1803.5 last night after using a new coil 
winding made yesterday.  I'll try to stabilize it closer to 1802 for tonight. 
Beacon will be on all night, tonight, and tomorrow night, before going QRT 
Sunday.  Many of you have said you wanted a permanent mw beacon.  I'm 
inclined to support the ARRL bandplan (now that I know of it) of beacons at 
1999- 2000 KHz even though some of you prefer it at the low end.   In about a 
week, when the 1 mw erp (100 mw and 10 foot antenna) station is ready to go, 
I will email the 20-some who have contacted me.  It will not be a beacon, but 
rather I will call CQ for about an hour in the evening and an hour or so in 
the morning, replying to anyone who hears the 1 mw signal.   I will also post 
times on the 160M reflector.  
In October, the 1 mw radiator will become a 1695 KHz beacon, and I will 
return to regular 160M operation, attempting WAC on low power this year after 
several seasons of high power WAC. 
Doug W0AM DM78lx  near Pikes Peak