Topband: Buried radials
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 07:10:31 EDT

In a message dated 9/21/02 9:25:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Hello Gents
>        If the only option is bury radials about three feet deep in a field 
> that is plowed, is it worth doing for another quarter wave vertical.  ?
> I dont mind the work if the results are worth it
> Regards
> Alan 

The ideal depth for radials is on  the surface of the ground but in the 
broadcast industry we normall bury them about 4" (10cm) below the surface.  
We have two stations where the radials were buried in excess of a foot 
(30.5cm) below the surface.  They will work but the efficency of the antenna 
will be much worse than if they are on the surface.  Of course the amount of 
efficiency loss will be related to the soil conductivity in the area of the 
antenna.  You could see an efficiency reduction of about 10-15% below what 
would be realized if the radials are on the surface.

It would be better to install fewer radials on the surface of the ground that 
coule be rolled up in the spring of the year or use a wire mesh that could be 
rolled out in the fall and removed in the spring.  If you could obtain 
permission to do this I feel you would be farther ahead than burying the 
radials 3' down. Goose W8AV

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