Topband: Inverted Ground Plane

W7CW Jay Ostrem
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 13:14:50 -0600

I was just curious if anyone has toyed with the following idea.  It seems
too easy, so it probably won't work, but looks promising on EZNEC.

It appears that the fewer elevated radials you use, the higher they must be
to avoid losses.

I have a 130ft tower.  I was considering running two radials off the top of
the tower in opposite directions, limiting the droop to about 30 degrees per

The vertical part of the ground plane  comes off the top of the tower out
and away at a slight angle for about 50 ft of its length, and the rest comes
straight down.  The tower will be detuned with a drop wire and capacitor.

Any thoughts or experiences?

73 Jay W7CW in Wyoming