Topband: Radials around house

by way of Bill Tippett <>
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 18:18:56 -0400

Just go around and/or end them at the house.  I also 
shunt fed my tower which is about 70 ft from the house 
and that's what I'll do.  I'll just end them there.  I 
followed Jeff Briggs, K1ZM's design and he even does the 
same at his qth.  If interested my piks are on the 
club's website at  Go to the DX Showcase 
section.  Plan also on some sort of receiving antenna as 
the tower is a vertical and it'll pick up that extra 
noise, but it's vertically polarized signal is what's 
needed on Topband.  Cu in the pileups  Phil  KB9CRY