Topband: Results LLDXT DX-Pedition to OY, Faroe Islands

Rob Snieder pa5et at
Sun Apr 13 12:06:27 EDT 2003

We have completed our Faroe Island DX-pedition and had lots of fights
with the propagation and the high winds. We managed to log 26.964 QSO's
in 10 days of operation of which 14.041 in CW and 11.054 in SSB, 1.532
in RTTY, 300 in PSK and finally 37 in SSTV from 10-160 meters although
it is better to say we worked mainly from 17-160 meter due to the bad
propagation. The QSO statistics can be found on out web-site. Despite
the lots of Europeans in the log we worked outside Europe every
oppurtunity we had. There have simply not been that many openings
unfortunately. Despite of that we are very happy with the result. The
on-line logs have now been finalised so all QSO's should be visible on
out web-site. The LLDXT web-site will be updated in the coming days with
pictures and real-audio files. I like to thank the Europeans for the
many times to had to QRX to allow us to work the "rare" DX, a great
example it can be done regardsless what other DX-peditions say. All
QSL's will be handled by the LLDXT QSL manager PA5ET, Rob Snieder, Van
Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS  Voorburg, The Netherlands.
73 de Bill OY7WB (AK0A), Tom OY7TW (GM4FDM), Ronald OY7WP (PA3EWP), Dick
OY7QA (PA3FQA) and Rob OY7ET (PA5ET) 
Rob Snieder pa5et at




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