Topband: Quarter wave Vs Eigth Wave

George & Marijke Guerin gmguerin at
Wed Apr 16 19:10:15 EDT 2003

Hi Fred:

In the latest edition of Low Band DXing by ON4UN it shows that a few long
radials are not effective.  There is a table showing for 30 radials, only
1/8 (0.125 wl) wavelength is enough, with 60 radials, about 3/16 or 0.19 wl
is effective and with about 120 radials 1/4 wavelength is needed.
The point is don't put down a few long radials.  More shorter radials are
better unless you are committed to more than 60 radials, although you don't
necessarily put them down all in the same week or month.
More, shorter is better to avoid the near field ground losses of too few
radials, and why some of the DXpedition antennas come with 30 or 40 radials
each 70 feet long vs 16 radials 130 feet long
I hope this helps
73        George    K8GG

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Cresce" <fcresce at>
To: "Top Band Reflector" <topband at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:40 PM
Subject: Topband: Quarter wave Vs Eigth Wave

> Hello Topbanders
> I would be interested in the posting from Glenn also. As I am in the
ground radial stage of my newly constructed inverted L. Decisions,
> Thanks
> Fred KC4MOP
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