Topband: Cone of Silence

Charles Hutton charlesh3 at
Sun Dec 14 20:19:47 EST 2003

As a small point, I would have to disagree with the "deepest null"
statements. Given a perfect termination (with both resistive and reactive
components) the null depth can be made infinite, assuming there is no
contribution from anything other than the main wire.

It doesn't change the main point, but it can be something worth knowing.
Those of us trying to put a null onto a nearby MW station like to squeeze
out every dB of nulling that is possible.

Chuck Hutton

-----Original Message-----
From: topband-bounces at
[mailto:topband-bounces at]On Behalf Of Tom Rauch
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 7:40 PM
To: jbattin; Dave NØRQ; topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: Cone of Silence

Hi John and all,

1.) Over perfect ground where the Beverage's gain is almost entirely from
the vertical ends, the peak gain is -22dBi. The deepest side null is
about -44dBi. The average gain is -29dBi.

2.) Over lossy ground the Beverage's peak gain is -15dBi, the deepest null
is about the same at  -48dBi, the highest sidelobe -23.5dBi, and the average
gain is -25.5dBi.

73 Tom

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