Topband: Power FETs for 160m linear (modified)

Steve Ireland sire at
Fri Dec 26 16:23:10 EST 2003

G'day all

I am trying to track down a pair of Mini-Bloc, ISOTOP or SOT-277 style
power FETS for a lightweight 160m linear amplifier.

These look like bridge rectifiers, with a square bolt-down package and
screw-terminals, and usually have a disspation of 300 - 500W each and are
rated up to 200V.

Semikron used to make a number of devices of this type, which are now
obsolete but I am told can sometimes be obtained on the surplus market (but
no luck in finding the names/addresses of any suppliers so far...).

Any information on would-be suppliers would be much appreciated!

Vy 73

Steve, VK6VZ


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