Topband: DX window

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Mon Dec 29 15:40:32 EST 2003


During a Contest banning NA DX stations from the DX-window would not 
only be detrimental to the having more none NA DX-multipliers giving 
everyone, none DX NA and none NA DX a better chance to work multipliers 
which they need to have a better score.  I am about 300 miles North of 
PJ2 and P40.  In the CQ contests they get an extra point for everyone 
they work plus can roam the DX-window with behemoth signals grabbing 
everything that passes by. It used to be a DX window (apart from a 
contest DX-window and I used it from many NA DX locations such as VP2K, 
KC4(Navassa), VP2M 6Y5 etc. with 100 watts to a marconi in the palm 
trees.  Indeed it was a DX window and the stations I worked said they 
were first time contacts on 160.

Now we have a contest period where the window idea if enforced creates 
disadvantage to some DX participants. First it was a DX window and then
someone started calling it a DX window for the world but not for any NA 
DX stations.

I think we should leave it up to the framer's of the contest.  The 
concept of an equal playing field are unequal enough already.  The Stew 
Perry contest has rules that a simple an unambiguous. It is a fun 
contest even though I spent hours calling 4X3A.  No one who wins the SP 
contest will be bowed down to at Dayton.  Its a fun contest, period. 
The window idea is important only for non-contest periods in my view. 
The ides of contest, if you have ay desire of being a top scorer is to 
maximize Q's and Mults.  For NA DX stations the built in point 
disadvantage is  harmful enough.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

Why can't we just go back to the Gentlemen's Agreement and leave that
chunk of band for non-NA stations to CQ in?
Ron - WA9IRV

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