Topband: JT1CO and topband propagation

Jon Zaimes AA1K jon.zaimes at
Mon Feb 3 10:20:30 EST 2003

Interesting analysis and darkness map Bill. Congrats on your last zone too!

I was hearing Chak for about 25 minutes here, peaking on the 205-degree, 500-ft. single-wire Beverage. He was 559 when we first heard him CQing at 1127z and you could probably hear me yell all the way down in North Carolina when he came right back on my first call (my last zone and no. 281). 

We could also copy him OK on the 245-degree, 570-foot single wire. I had the preamp running but could copy him OK without it on either Beverage. I could just hear him above the noise on the vertical. His signal held fairly steady for the first 10 minutes or so and then gradually started dropping, finally out of the picture at 1152z. Others were still hearing him after then -- I recall K4CIA and K3UL were in there calling. 

My sunrise was 1206z today, and 5 minutes later Chak suddenly came through CQing from the NW! I was hearing him only on the new phased pair of 935-foot Beverages at 320-degrees and he very weak -- nothing at all then from the SSW or on the 342-degree wires. A few minutes later he moved up to 80 meters, where he was peaking on the 205-degree wire again and about as strong as he had been when first heard on Top Band 45 minutes earlier.

What a wonderful morning of propagation! A season of sleepless sunrises finally pays off. I tried getting back to sleep but no way, I'm too wound up!

While AH3D had a good signal from 1100z through our sunrise, we heard no other DX on the band this morning.

73/Jon AA1K

At 09:23 AM 2/3/03, you wrote:
>        Wow!  I finally worked Chak JT1CO to complete my 160 WAZ.
>I posted a little analysis here for any interested:
>Thank you Chak for your perseverance and patience!  Also special thanks
>to Ken K4ZW for all the assistance he has given Chak with both TX and RX
>antennas!  Let's hope this breaks the ice for more East Coast QSO's!
>                                                73,  Bill  W4ZV
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