Topband: Dr Frankenstein, Igor and a Drake R4C (long) RIT control

n0tt1 at n0tt1 at
Sat Feb 22 19:56:37 EST 2003

> The intention is to ultimately leave only one valve in the signal 
> line -
> the RF amplifier - to preserve the R4C's permability tuning.

Hi Steve and all...

There is one mod that might be useful to some, and that is a RIT control
on the front panel of the R4C *if* you are using the R4C 
as a transceiver with say, the T4XC.  I relocated the phone jack to 
the rear panel and installed a high quality, "2-watt", linear taper pot
its place.

Basically (and if I remember's been awhile)...the
mod uses a 1n914 diode that is back-biased as a variable capacitance
diode inside the PTO box.  Then there is a solid state switching circuit
that basically changes the voltage on the diode (and thus the frequency)
when switching from receive to clicks, chirps, etc.  

As I recall what I had there was a rather crude circuit that could 
be made much more eligant.  Tuning was about +/- 7 khz.  
It was necessary to recalibrate the PTO dial
becasue the PTO circuit is VERY sensitve to capacitance;
also the tuning (at least on mine) is no longer perfectly linear...
not a problem though becasue of the built in calibrator if one
wants to spot check the "exact" frequency.

The mod has remained stable and trouble free for at least 20
> Once the rebuild has been completed and works to our satisfaction, 
> it will
> be written up for publication.

OK great!!

Charlie, N0TT

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