Topband: Stew Perry Propagation Condx
Thomas Giella KN4LF
Sat, 4 Jan 2003 17:04:57 -0500
Allot of the variability of or perception of variability of propagation
during the S.P. CW contest can probably be explained as variations in local
QRN levels and
unexpected nulls in certain directions on transmit and receive antennas.
As far as actual propagation conditions, there was a minor elevated
energetic proton event in progress during the contest. Also Kp indices were
still elevated but dropping, tied to a solar stream emanating from a
recurring geoeffective coronal hole and the first instance of Stratospheric
Warming of the DX season was building. All of these factors would contribute
to the actual observed propagation condition variations.
The simplest way to look at medium wave frequencies with respect to
propagation issues from a laymans point of view, is to accept the fact
propagation is poor the majority of the time. with occasional short-lived
good periods.
I'm personally already gearing up for the "new"
Topband of 2200 meters (135.7-137.8 kc) and
propagation their will really make you pull your hair out, as in many cases
things are opposite of 160 meters.
Thomas Giella, KN4LF
Plant City, FL, USA
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