Topband: balun measurements

Eric Scace K3NA eric@K3NA.ORG
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 11:06:06 -0500

Hi --

   Where would I find measurements for baluns at various frequencies when attached to a mismatched load?  I'm specifically
interested in:

1.  Balun types of interest:
   -- the coil of transmission line.
   -- the transmission line passing through a chain of ferrite beads; e.g., Force12
   -- other rod/toroid baluns, if available.

2.  Measurements of interest:
   -- equivalent L-C-R network, if possible.
   -- attenuation
   -- phase shift from the load (antenna) to generator (feedline attachment) side
   -- impedance transformation from the load (antenna) to generator (feedline attachment) side

   I'm particularly interested in understanding the impact of a balun on signals in a transmission line across a band, when looking
into the shifting complex impedances presented by real antennas outside of resonance.  I've checked "Transmission Line Transformers"
(2nd edition, ARRL), but the only data is attenuation when operating into a load of Z=Zo.

   Thanks for any tips for data.

-- Eric K3NA