Topband: Top Band Horizontal antennas ??
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 16:44:18 -0800
RE: Horizontal antennas on TOP BAND:
For horizontal antenna to be of any use
as DX antenna on 160m , it appears necessary
to get it up very high
I am high desert of Northern Nevada
the ground conductivity is very very poor.
I have experienced extremely good performance on HF bands with antennas
mounted rather LOW - comparing to other
locations ( excepting hilltop near ocean) - I
have NEVER seen HF antennas at 25- 40 ft
perform so WELL for DX work.
Given extremely poor ground conductivity,
is the EFFECTIVE height of horizontal antenna
actually MUCH higher than its PHYSICAL
height ???
Is a dipole ( yagi ) at 100 ft , actually thinking
it is say 150 feet above ground?
I value the " Collective BRAIN" of this reflector
very much - not just for the theory but the REAL WORLD experience .
Josh N7XM
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