Topband: Searchlight effect during SPDC
Milt Jensen, N5IA
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 22:52:48 -0700
Good evening esteemed Topbanders,
A good bit has been said about the propogation during the Stew Perry
Distance Challenge this past December 28th and 29th. It seems the band was
very different in many locations, sometimes extremely different in locations
not too far removed from each other.
Here is one example I noted which relates to an experience I will never
forget. At approximately 1141 Z I was in the S & P mode, and heard a signal
that sounded like DX. Here is my story, narrating the QSO which is
available in MP3 format (1.3 MB, 2:55 min long) to anyone who makes a
request off the reflector. I also now have an MP3 recording, courtesy of
Doug, N5ECT, of the exact same time period recorded at WD5R's QTH in
Arkansas. It is very revealing as to the difference in propagation
difference at WD5R and N5IA
At the entry, you will hear a bit of VK3IO's signal quite weakly. When I
recognize a bit of the call sign and switch to the Beverage antenna looking
his direction, the signal comes up markedly.
During the whole sequence I have WD5R's signal (Doug is in Arkansas, about
8-9 hundred miles east of me) in the passband of the RX (nearly zero beat).
When I first call VK3IO, WD5R thinks I am calling him. As I had worked Doug
earlier, he tells me "QSO B4".
VK3IO gets my call as N5IU and asks for a clarification. I send my call
three times again. WD5R seems to move off freq (50 Hz ?) a bit but
continues CQing. VK3IO comes right back with my correct call, the signal
report and the Grid Square.
I then send my information. VK3IO requests me to CFM DM52. I send RRR and
then VK3IO goes back to CQing. WD5R is still calling CQ also.
What makes this Q so special is that I was running QRP. Also, here are the
E-mail comments from Ron, VK3IO, that he sent me a couple of days
ago after I contacted him, telling him "Thanks" and letting him know that I
was running 4.8 Watts.
Great stuff Milt, if only I had known you were QRP, it would have meant more
points for my score.
I have aready sent my log in. Maybe next year I will wait and check out the
Stew Perry reflections and soapbox info before sending it in.
I cannot believe that you were only running 4.8Watts, as I said yours and
W6BH (who was much stronger of course) were the only two NA signals worked
and they were the only two signals heard as well, no other NA stations
heard, unbelievable.
Ron, VK3IO
The N5IA TX antenna is a full sized 1/4 WL Ground Plane (Rohn 25) with
feedpoint and 4 caged radials at 68 feet above ground. I was running 4.8
Watts as measured on the Bird 43 from the 1000 MP.
I have since contacted Doug, N5ECT, who was the op at WD5R, and he reports
he is using a full sized 1/4 WL ground mounted vertical (Rohn 25) with 60,
1/4 WL radials. WD5R was running a full KW. Here is Doug's description of
his Beverage farm. By the number of QRP contacts in his log, he hears well.
1. switch system;
sw, w, nw, nnw, nne, ne, se, and sse. All 750ft to 1000ft long, all
2. switch system,
w, nw, ne All approx 900ft long, unterminated.
This amazing propagation occurence is emphasized by the fact that Ron,
VK3IO, did not work (or hear) any of the other "Big Gun" stations in W5, W6,
& W7 with the exception of W6BH. W6BH is a mountain top location about 90
miles ESE of LAX. I was running QRP and had an easy contct with Ron. Doug,
at WD5R, did not hear VK3IO even though Doug heard me working Ron. It is
very apparent from the audio clip that Ron was not hearing WD5R, with both
of them CQing on the same frequency.
I have requested from Ron, VK3IO, the time of his QSO with W6BH; whether it
was before mine or after. I have not received this information at this
time. Both MP3 files are available to anyone who asks for them offline. A
broadband connection is recommended as the two files together are 2 MB in
73, and have a good weekend, de Milt, N5IA