Topband: re shack wiring/furnace
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:47:10 -0000
if youre using a kerosene burner in the furnace/heating system , the =
noise may come from the igniter .
to cure this try an auto sparkplug suppressor cap in the HT lead of the =
burner .
some burners have a spark plug type nipple on which you can fit =
directly a spark plug suppressor.
i have a kerosene "space heater "in my workshop which used to cause me =
hash on HF .
i fitted one of the old add on suppressors as used in FORDS , which =
goes inline between the plug cap and the spark plug .
these particular suppressors have a nipple one end and a cap at other , =
so they can go inline .
were fitted to 2 litre ford ohc 4cyl engines here in the uk .
the igniter in a lot of kerosene burners usually has an HT lead much =
same as a car uses and the end fitting is the same .
if not able to get an inline suppressor then get an old CHAMPION =
suppressed plug cap as used on lanwmowers and stick that in .
not sure if thats the type of system you have , but thats what i did =
with mine , and it stopped the noise for me .
73 ian M0BCG .=20
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