Topband: Skewed Propagation Paths

Ford Peterson
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 17:25:17 -0600

Dave wrote:

> Tom,

> I don't claim to be an expert in 160M propagation, but I DO question your
statement ["medium
> frequency signal propagation path skewing is that the transmitted RF
> will "always" seek to propagate along the path with least absorption"].
> Could you please provide some justification/basis for this 'conclusion',
analysis, and
> references that leads you to believe this is ["always"] the case.
> Frankly, I DON'T agree with your statement or conclusion.
> Thanks & 73,
> Dave, K1FK
> Fort Kent, ME

I'm afraid that I have to agree with Dave on this one.  From my readings in
Feynman, and elsewhere, I learn that photons travel along the path of least
"time" and not the path of least resistance, i.e. "least absorption."

When you look into a pool of still water, an object will appear to be closer
to you than it really is.  Why?  Because of refraction at the water/air
barriers (velocity factor of water vs air).  The photons travel along the
path that travels to your eye in the least amount of time.

Admittedly, I've been pondering this "least time" process as it relates to
radio waves for some time.  I still don't understand it (obviously I haven't
earned a Nobel Prize yet).  But it seems to me that there is an analogy with
the various layers of refractive material that a radio wave passes through
and gazing at a penny in the bottom of a pool of water.

My $0.02


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