Topband: No Post SR Peak for JA this morning
Brian Campbell
Brian Campbell" <
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 09:25:47 -0500
Good Morning all
This morning here, FN04 Ontario, was the loudest JA opening yet since I
have been on Topband, 6 years ago. Four JA stations were 219 at 1215 SR =
-30 Min
and all rose to about 319 - 419 at 1230 SR -15. At 1243 SR -2 Min JA8ISU =
was a 519 -529
on the Inv L for 2 solid minutes until at exactly 1245 He and the other =
3 JA's completely
disappeared within seconds of each other. I listened for 20 min after =
sunrise but there was=20
no Post SR Peak this morning.
Oh by the way I wasn't able to work JA8ISU. I think it may have been all =
the VE3 traffic calling
him in the 2 min window that we had. Oh well at least there were other =
VE3's who made it=20
through.....Maybe in 27 days!!
Six years, 2 minutes, 1 opening - I love this band!!
73 de Brian VY2MGY/3 VE3SQZ
[ Still JA-less on TopBand! ] =20
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