Topband: K6STI Loop

Phil Duff na4m at
Wed Jan 22 02:04:04 EST 2003

At 23:38 1/21/2003 +0200, Igor UA2FZ wrote:
>Dear Topbanders,
>I'm going to try K6STI receiving loop this weekend. Is anybody here who had
>an experience with this antenna?
>Does it work as describing in the 9'95 QST? Any hints?
>Igor UA2FZ

I've had one up for a while now.    It does seem to do what it was 
published to do.. reduce
local man made noise such as power line QRN, etc.   It has no directivity 
but does improve
the s/n ratio if you have trouble from power lines or other local man made 
QRN - especially
multiple sources in different directions.  The noise cancelling effect can 
be quite dramatic sometimes.

It's a bit narrow banded - example:  if you adjust it for maximum output in 
the bottom of CW portion of the band the output in the SSB section of the 
band will be noticeably reduced but not unusable.

I built the 160/80M dual band version in the QST article but could never 
get enough output on 160m to make it useable.  I think the loop size 
probably needs to be larger for  use on 160m.   My comments in above 
paragraphs refer to 80m.

My K6STI loop is little used now after building a pair of K9AY receiving loops.

73 Phil NA4M

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Phil Duff NA4M     na4m at   Georgetown, Texas  

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