Topband: A request

Robert Brown bobnm7m at
Sun Jan 26 14:38:52 EST 2003

Friends in Radio Land -

I need the help of 160 meter DXers in the U.K. and Western Europe.
Let me explain.

Last October there was a DXpedition by the Kermadec DX Association
to Chatham Island (ZL7C).  The antipode to that location is on the
southern coast of France, making it ideal for studying long-path
propagation as the U.K. and Western Europe are in the receiving     
zone.  I am told there are 26 UK/EU contacts in the 160 meter logs 
and I am keen to examine them for long-path contacts.

I have asked Ken Holdum, ZL2HU, the leader of the DXpedition and
the head of the Association if he could send me the logs for my
examination.  I was denied, being told "in all DXpeditions, we do not
release log information, to protect our integrity and honesty at all

I have handled many DXpedition logs in the strictest confidence,
those of VK0IR, XZ0A, XZ1N, 8Q7AA, VK9XY, VK9YZ, G3SXW, K5K, to name a
few, and I am an Associate Member of the RSGB Propagation Studies
Committee as well as well-known in the USA for my interest in propagation. 
All of that, as well as the scientific aspect, does not matter to
ZL2HU.  So I have no other choice but to appeal to you directly and try
to recontruct the logs by finding the 26 contacts this way.

So please check your logs and see if you had a contact with ZL7C in
October 2002.  If so, please send me the date, time and your lat/long.

Please pass this request on to your friends who operate on 160 m.

Many thanks for your help.


Bob, NM7M

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