Topband: 160m contests - what do you want?

Richard Karlquist richard at
Sun Jan 26 21:08:53 EST 2003

> BUT I have spent zero time CQ'ing, simply because I can't 
> hold a frequency.
> 73, Greg, ZL3IX

Holding a CQ frequency is a big problem in W6 as well.
Even with 1.5 KW and a decent antenna, I am constantly
having to QSY when an east coast station fires up
on top of me without a QRL? and proceeds to work
other east coast stations.  I know these guys
can hear me because they come back to me when I respond
to their CQ.

During the CQ160 contest, the DX window here was
relatively clear, with only an occasional neer-do-well.
A few of us here in California were even able to work
CT3FN near his sunrise, without a local QRM problem.
VK3IO was able to CQ and work a pileup successfully
around my sunrise at 1500 Sunday.  Saturday night,
some Carribean stations were in the DX window CQing
with no takers.

Rick Karlquist    N6RK
richard at 

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