Topband: Contest Problems

Ford Peterson ford at
Tue Jan 28 19:47:40 EST 2003

Pete-N4ZR wrote:


> I think the problem is less in the measurement than in the assignment of
> the "letter grades."
> Is 60 dB down at 1 kHz "good", "fair", or "very good"?  And is the ARRL
> willing to run the risk of alienating the manufacturer of the Whizbang
> by giving it a "poor" rating on anything?  They had a hard-enough time
> bringing themselves to run comparison tables on various transceivers and
> other units, simply letting us seem comparable data actually compared.  I
> hope they would be willing to address this challenge.
> 73, Pete N4ZR

You make a good point Pete.  Our beloved "League" has enough on it's plate
without having to risk its advertising revenues by calling it the way they
see it.  In my profession, they call it "independence."  N0AX and K7LXC blew
the doors off the "dark side" of antenna specs a few years ago by doing fair
and independent comparisons.  Sounds like somebody with a real lab could
write a best seller.  (know what I mean Tom? nudge nudge...)  Put me down
for a copy as soon as the ink dries.

ford at

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