Topband: 2003 CQ WW 160 Contests update

David L. Thompson thompson at
Tue Jul 22 07:43:10 EDT 2003

For the Top Band Reflector

I received 1140 CW and 528 SSB Logs for the 2003 CQ 160 Contests.  This is a
gain of 200+ CW and 80+ SSB logs over 2002 and the highest number of logs
ever!   So far I have checked all the CW cabrillo logs and have 4 in WIP
(works in progress).  About 20% of the logs needed some conversion to score
them.  The biggest number of bad logs had the contest name wrong (must be
exact!! CQ-160-CW ) or something wrong with the category.  Make sure the log
is correct cabrillo and if not get in touch with the author.  These liogging
programs output the correct format including contest name and
category....NA, CT, Writelog, Sd (EI), and TR.  Two of the converters have
problems at least with some version.  If you use anything but the WT4I
cabrillo converter please, please check the name, category and QSO layout.
I am in touch with two of the converters authors and one did not know that
CQ-160-CW was the only name.  He now has the complete set of correct names
(please no more CQWW-160 HI).

The final group of 200 and 2001 plaques are being sent out but I have at
least 4 that have no sponsor.  I do have sponsors for every category for
2003.  Without sponsors these will not be issued right now.  I also am
looking for someone to volunteer to do the 2001 and 2002 certificates.
These are all printed on a laser or inkjet printer (I have a word 97 and
2000 format).  I have care packages readt to go.  The certificates fgo to CQ
for mailing and all expenses will be repaid.  I will try to get back to the
final 1997-1999 Dx certificates when I finish the 2003 ewsults in September.
The amateur who volunteered to do the 2000 Dx certificates backed out so I
have those to do also.

I have been looking for a place to put the 2003 claimed logs to assure the
log has been received
and the claimed score matches your logging program.  So far no luck.  I have
the logs in an access data base and plan on putting up a list in the same
format as the 2002 claimed scores.

I hope to wrap up the 2003 CW section in a week or so and start on the SSB
logs.  I do have the SSB master call sign data base built.  I hope to have
the rules and plaque sponsors in the November CQ and the results in either
the NOvember or December CQ. I plan on sending out notices to 2002 plaque
sponsors about the first of August.  The plan is to get them out in
September and well before the Christmas rush.

73 Dave K4JRB

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