Topband: XQ6ET in EU

DF2PY df2py at
Sat Jun 21 07:22:00 EDT 2003

hello reflectees !
the new amp at Bob`s sure pays off ( TNX George /W8UVZ )
I was just zippin`on that first cup of coffee when his sigs came out of the 
noise and calling me.He was 559 then.About 45 min later, about 15 min to my 
sunrise he gave me another call and again was 559. After my sun was up i went to 
30 m and he found me there too and told me that ZP6CW was calling as well, but 
that he has only 100 W and needs lotta luck to get thru. It seems to me that 
this is the time to get a few rare South American stns into the log.
The word needs to be spread about the nice cndx.
Other than that a few east coast stns made it across as well, to name W4TJ and 
K2TA with the best sigs at the shortest nite of the year !
73 de wolf  - df2py-

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