Re: Topband: Re: Weak signal receivers

i4jmy i4jmy at
Tue Jun 24 14:45:13 EDT 2003

Although linearity is inherent of the specific device and different amplifiers behave differently, the admissible output level of an amplifier to keep constatnt its charachteristics of linearity is also related and inversely proportional to the number and to the amplitude of the input signals. This concept is for example well known in RF wideband TV amplifiers where the final effect of applying a lot of modulated carriers of different level at the input is a reduction of the final S/N on each amplified video signal if the levels aren’t accordingly reduced. If such a disturbance can’t be named noise in the strict sense, nevethless it does affect the quality of a signal up to the point to mask it.

Mauri I4JMY 

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