Topband: Simplifying the ground screen?

Scott Johns petvet at
Wed Jun 25 07:51:15 EDT 2003

Thanks Topbanders for everyone's opinion on ground screens.

Here is one (final) interesting question.  Many who responded spent a
lot of time soldering every wire "crossover" on their ground screen.
Soldering crossovers takes time, and time is money as they say.

Other than using more wire, what is there to loose by doing the
following:  Imagine a rectangle of wire (the periphery).  Then imagine
straight wires, running from the north side of the rectangle to the
south side of the rectangle, each wire spaced perhaps 1-2 meters apart.
Each wire is silver soldered only at each it's two ends to the
peripheral wire. No attempt is made to create a grid pattern by laying
wire in the east-west direction. No crosswires, a lot of back breaking
time saved not soldering crosswires.

Looking forward to your opinions!

73, Scott W3TX 

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