Topband: Orion Discussion and Reminder

Bill Tippett btippett at
Wed Jun 25 11:54:01 EDT 2003

         Guys, the Orion discussion is getting to the point
that some are violating the guidelines of this reflector, namely:

1.  Posts with little or no real information.
2.  Posts verging on personal attacks.
3.  Posts with replies to unedited replies attached.
4.  Posts more appropriately made directly to individuals.

I think much of this is coming from non-members of our
list apparently due to several different reflectors being copied.
If your post didn't make it here, please read the reflector
guidelines below:

                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  I just noticed the following on the Orion reflector.  Let's
all just cool our jets a bit until we have more info from TT:


QRX a bit on the Orion AGC. We are going to provide a more coherent
explanation of how the combination of the analog and DSP AGC's in the
Orion operate - and how the radio should be set up for one use versus
another. We're going to post it as an application note on our
websites and likely as a manual addendum/text change as well.
When I have it, I'll post it here and to open it up for discussion.
Should be another day or two before this happens.

Like I said, I think confusion over this issue has contributed to the
discussions that have been going on via the 'net over the past
week or so.

Scott Robbins, W4PA
Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec, Inc.

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