Topband: Geo-mag activity page

ve6wz ve6wz at
Thu May 1 08:48:20 EDT 2003

For those interested I have created a webpage made up of a dynamic collection of northern geo-magnetic indices from the Canadian Space Weather Forecast Centre in Ottawa.see here:
This data is displayed in various graphs, charts and maps.  The raw data comes from 13 geomagnetic observatories spread across Canada covering the sub-auroral, auroral, and polar cap regions.  The data is shown in real time and is updated every 5 min.  Long term forecasts are also shown.

Relying on the basic Boulder (WWV) K and A index is often misleading.  The data here more accurately reflects the geomagnetic conditions along the great circle northern paths from VE6 to EU. Many complex and subtle phenomena effect low-band DX propagation.  However, from northerly locations like VE6, band openings on 80 and 160m seem to be mostly dependant on geo-magnetic activity levels.

de steve VE6WZ.

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