Topband: Multiple drops and vertical antennas

Roger Parsons ve3zi at
Fri May 2 15:02:46 EDT 2003

Tom is of course correct in his analysis of vertical
antennas with multiple feeds. It took me a long time
to accept this however...

I am of the opinion that there is not as much
difference between different verticals as is often
thought. My first antenna (1) at this location was an
inverted L, in the middle of a tree, with about a 50'
vertical section and with about 10 relatively short
and bent radials. My current main antenna (2)is an 88'
top loaded vertical with over 100 quarter wave or
longer radials, and is located about 500' from antenna
(1). I also have a remotely operated station with a
5/8 wave vertical radiator (3) and 120 x 1000'

Antenna (2) is only 3 or 4 dB better than antenna (1).
Antenna (3) is inconsequentially better than antenna
(2). Of course, all the antennas are properly matched.
FWIW antenna (1) is right by the edge of a lake - but
that is frozen several feet deep in winter.

I hope to improve matters at antenna (3) over the
summer by converting it to the W4RNL 7 element
vertical array. A decent AC feed is being installed to
the tower as I write and I should shortly be able to
run full power from the remote station.

Hope everyone has a great time at the Top Band Dinner.
See you next year.

73 Roger

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