Topband: Key Clicks

k6se at k6se at
Sun May 4 21:32:02 EDT 2003

I just finished measuring the CW bandwidth of my Elecraft K2 using the
exact same test setup as when I measured the CW bandwidth of my Yaesu

Test setup:

Frequency: 1825.00 kHz

Transmitting dits at 28 wpm into a 50-ohm dummy load

Receiver: TS-830S on CW-N (250/200 Hz filters in the first/last IFs)

The power transmitted into the dummy load was adjusted so that the
TS-830S's S-meter was S9 (~100 uV) with a steady carrier.

The procedure used was to gradually tune the receiver off-frequency until
the transmitted clicks were just barely audible (another 100 Hz and they
would be gone).

Over a year ago I tested my FT-1000MP using the exact same setup.

Before any keying modifications, the CW bandwidth of the MP was +/- 2100

After the INRAD "Keying Improvement" mod, the CW bandwidth was +/- 800

After the W8JI click mod, the CW bandwidth was +/- 300 Hz.

The CW bandwidth of my K2 is +/- 1500 Hz.

Although I have the KPA100 amplifier, it was removed for the click test.

I had heard that the K2 had a "slight" problem with clicks.  I was
surprised to see that it is almost as bad a stock MP.

I guess it's time for someone to develop a click mod for the K2.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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