Topband: Re: Pulse response

Brad Rehm brehm at
Tue May 6 10:06:04 EDT 2003

"...I measure in the 1-volt range of peak signal level on my
Beverages. Even a
very good amplifier requires a band-reject filter for the AM BCB. Even
stations have enough level to cause overload problems in "weak"


It's been a while since I made the measurements.  I'll take a look
again tonight.  If memory serves, a Volt or two is where it'll be.

This topic caught my interest because I wondered how preamps handle
these high voltage, fast rise time events.  Our antennas are "tuned"
to lower frequencies, but they still have measurable responses to
"faster" signals.

My tests were done with 10 µV pulses.  That's 100 dB below the 1 Volt
levels you recorded.  My Beverages are probably not 100 dB down at 50
MHz, so these kinds of pulses could get through to a receiver front
end.  It's amazing that we can hear anything on the low bands!


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