Topband: Autek Filter manual and schematic files

Dennis Peterson Dennis.Peterson at MachLink.Com
Thu May 15 20:31:09 EDT 2003

Topbanders, I have received many requests for the manual and documentation for the Autek QF-1A Filter that many are finding a necessity on 160 meters for QRM and noise reduction.  I have been using mine for nearly a yeare now with my Kenwood TS-870 and wouldn't be without it.

I have compressed this file into a .ZIP file and placed it on my web page.  It is located under the Files heading and is part way down the page.  It says Autekxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and is NEW.  click on it and follow the download instructions.  web page URL below


Dennis G. Peterson
cell:       563-299-4224
home:    563-263-2272

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