Topband: Ten-Tec Orion - Initial Impressions

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at
Wed May 21 23:58:47 EDT 2003

K6SE reported:

>On my antennas, the SWR can be much higher if I transmit far from the
>antenna's resonant frequency.  I did this out of curiosity to see if the
>Orion's power output would automatically be reduced like it is on most
>other rigs.  Transmitting with an indicated SWR of 5:1 showed that there
>was no cutback of the power output.  I ordered my Orion without the
>optional built-in antenna tuner, so this was gratifying.
>The PA transistors draw more current when transmitting into a high SWR
>and my 22-amp power supply would trip at full power under these
>circumstances.  I recommend using a 25-amp (or greater) power supply.

Sounds like Ten-Tec used the same approach on the Orion as they have
with their other products here.... no SWR protection & instead current limiting
the finals.

This is really handy, as Earl noted, when on 1.8 Mc as most of us don't
enjoy much low SWR bandwidth on our antennas.

Further reports from Earl on receiver performance as compared to MP &
K2 are eagerly awaited!

73, VR2BrettGraham

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