Topband: impedance transformer windings

Steve Flood flood at
Thu Oct 30 19:21:40 EST 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "amdx" <amdx at>
To: "Steve Flood" <flood at>; <topband at>
Sent: 28 10, 03 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: impedance transformer windings

> I'm lost by the stacked cores changing the turns ratio required to
> transform 950 ohms to 50 ohms.

I could not get the math to work out without changing the formula.  Take the
popular 3-core transformer (BN-73-202) with 2 turns:4 turns.   This is
supposedly a 16:1 transformer.  In order to do that, the turns have to be to
the 4th power, and not squared.   If you just square the turns, you get a
4:1 transformation.

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